2m 70cm Yagi

This is one of the two home made DK7ZB dual band (2m + 70cm) yagi’s which is situated in the attic. It is in a fixed position, horizontally polarized, directed towards the United Kingdom, used mainly for 144 MHz in conjunction with my Icom IC-7400. Though it is not an ideal setup and has only 4 elements for this partical band, it performs great.


Some of the antenna parts before assembly. The left choke was lost, because I accidentally damaged the braid of the RG-274 teflon coax … so I had to manufacture another one.


The completed yagi before erecting it in the attic. What a beauty it is, isn’t it ? :-). Total costs of the yagi : about €35.

The second DK7ZB yagi, which is identical to the first one, is vertically polarized and being used mainly for local communications. It’s also ‘fixed’ and directed northeast.